首页 > 言情小说 > 我与富婆2 > 第19章 克隆

第19章 克隆(第3/4 页)

最新言情小说小说: 我跟镜中的另一个我学斩鬼赤脚走来异能学校之遇上恋爱脑大佬七零辣妻:厂长老公追着跑明天是昨天的开始军婚,他带着爱意和忠诚来见我通缉犯:黑化了,但没完全黑化初白与舟妖孽仙医无法清偿的孽债小龙女她为龙族开枝散叶家父奸相:我把主角都埋了冷战三年,离婚当日纪总哭红了眼独我踏雪凝霜摄政王他套路深哭包小同桌又在哄校霸好好学习穿越救赎指南摆烂做渣男后,被迫软饭硬吃修仙对照组:玄学大佬她一骑绝尘穿兽世:不是猫的我每天都被狂吸

f the Tianyun sect himself? It was just one of his avatars?”

“How is this possible… just one of his avatars nearly killed the three godly monarchs. How terrifying is the sect master of the Tianyun sect…”

The most terrifying thing was none other than the two godly monarchs.

Their expressions were solemn as their bodies trembled.

“The one who fought us… was not his true body at all…”one of the godly monarchs lamented.

They had never expected that the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect would use a avatar to force them to such an extent!

More importantly, they had lost a godly monarch!

“It seems that Sima bei is not exaggerating,”said a godly monarch in a low voice.

“Fortunately, the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect is not on the cultivation mountain. Otherwise…”

The consequences were unimaginable! It was likely that all three of them would die here!

“It’s not good to stay here for long. No one kno




